Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Generation Y wants it all quickly

Up-and-coming serbian sensation Ana Ivanovic steamrolled Martina Hingis to earn the Rogers Cup, her first Tier I title in career. Actually a disappointing loss for the swiss Miss: 6-2 6-3 with no break pts the whole match. That’s an amazing score. Many of us thought Martina would have been a tougher opponent, but there was no match. Definitely. Congrats to Ana who played a perfect match, outpowering her opponent, with a bullet-serve to make easier her work. A new Lindsay or a new Stefy on the scene ? Early to say that, specially soon afterwards a match Martina couldn’t have played more awfully. But a loss is a loss, and doesn’t mean Hingis is a crap or Ivanovic an unbeatable player.
No doubt Martina is a smart player with great tactical choices that allow to move opponents all around the court until she forces them to have a bad court position from the groundstrokes and make errors. The same time Martina’s weakness is that whenever she doesn’t be able to get the rhythm in the rallies she goes out of order and stops making sense. Otherwise you cannot esplain why insisted on Ana’s killer forehand throughout the match, instead of playing backhand to backhand. Anyways, a fast pace ball is what really missed yesterday, with so short and slow balls for Ana is a joke to find the position on the court and pull tre trigger.
Relating to Ana, I’m not surpriced she played awesomely. The Aussie team composed by David Taylor and Scott Byrnes have done some weeks of work and here’s the first pretty good results.
Although no words can really help to ease the loss, I would say to Martina just to take a look to the ranking this week: back the top 10 is an extraordinary achievement given the nowhere place in January 2006. Isn’t it ?

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Terza di Copertina.

"Cementi di Gloria" è l'opera prima di Paolo Ricaldi, aka Mr. Pemulis, che nell'estate 2007 ha girato in lungo e largo i tornei di preparazione agli Us Open - il c.d. minicircuito chiamato Us Open Series - è tornato sano e salvo, anche se un po' intossicato di Tennis, e ci ha raccontato quanto visto, sentito e percepito nel Nuovo Mondo.
In questo reportage, che è un viaggio picaresco nel nordamerica, intorno al "vuoto" dello showbiz, l'autore alterna con grande potenza espressiva cronache sportive esilaranti, pagine di letteratura minimalista, storie surreali, incubi metropolitani abitati da personaggi dai nomi improbabili e aneddoti irresistibili; e lo fa utilizzando una vasta gamma di registri, che vanno dal comico al noir. Ne risulta un inno sghembo al tennis e alla vita in generale, che fa' di Ricaldi, la "next big thing" del panorama letterario mediterraneo.