Wednesday, August 23, 2006

James Blake: the curse to be an American hero.

Cruel destiny: lately, if you’re the american best ranked, the crowd favourite, you’ll start to have pressure, ‘cause people probably will expect you to win, and on and on. The same story. The last victim of the inexorable fate is James Blake, a good guy with a tragic back-story about his injuries and the loss of his father, from which he took the strength and determination to get the top 10.
What’s happened? Blake was upset by Ruben Ramirez Hidalgo, a Spaniard red clay specialist who had never won a match on hard court before this week. Blake became summer hard court season by winning Indianapolis in an all American final against A Rod, but from there on it was almost a disaster. And yesterday he went to the bottom.
What’s wrong? I don’t wanna say James is a one-dimensional player, he is talented and recently he developed every aspect of the game. But he is a little unbalanced: his game relies too much on cracking forehand, and over all, on his speed of the ball. He has little patience in long rallies. That’s why when JB has a bad momentum he can lose seemingly easy matches. That’s about all of this.

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Terza di Copertina.

"Cementi di Gloria" è l'opera prima di Paolo Ricaldi, aka Mr. Pemulis, che nell'estate 2007 ha girato in lungo e largo i tornei di preparazione agli Us Open - il c.d. minicircuito chiamato Us Open Series - è tornato sano e salvo, anche se un po' intossicato di Tennis, e ci ha raccontato quanto visto, sentito e percepito nel Nuovo Mondo.
In questo reportage, che è un viaggio picaresco nel nordamerica, intorno al "vuoto" dello showbiz, l'autore alterna con grande potenza espressiva cronache sportive esilaranti, pagine di letteratura minimalista, storie surreali, incubi metropolitani abitati da personaggi dai nomi improbabili e aneddoti irresistibili; e lo fa utilizzando una vasta gamma di registri, che vanno dal comico al noir. Ne risulta un inno sghembo al tennis e alla vita in generale, che fa' di Ricaldi, la "next big thing" del panorama letterario mediterraneo.