Monday, September 04, 2006

A.A.: When the reality becomes myth.

Andre, thanks for teaching all of us.
As many people know, his career came to an end Sunday with a 7-5, 6-7 (4), 6-4, 7-5 loss to 112th-ranked Benjamin Becker in the third round at the U.S. Open. It happened in the best scenario ever imagined: 23.000 cheering fans stood clapping in tears, Andre could not stop his tears too in a unbielievable moment. I can’t describe how emotional it was.
Frow now on, the reality – made of a champion that emerged 21 years ago as a 16-year-old prodigy of Nick Bollettieri – the story will become legend and legend will become myth. For sure. 1144 pro matches, 60 titles (of which eight Slam) and 21 consecutive US Opens, an event he won in 1994 and 1999: is something that can be easily confused with fiction, legend, fairy tale, folklore, fable, and urban legend. But It's All True.
Myth may refer to someone became a symbol of social imaginary, like an hero or nearly god. That’s the way Andre will be kept alive and forever remembered.
“You have pulled for me on the court and also in life...I will take you and the memory of you with me for the rest of my life” That’s what an emotional Andre told the fans after the match. We wanna say “Thanks, Andre. Thanks for teaching to love a sport you just revolutionized with your magic touch”. We will miss you.

1 comment:

Michael_Pemulis said...

Just a proof!

Terza di Copertina.

"Cementi di Gloria" è l'opera prima di Paolo Ricaldi, aka Mr. Pemulis, che nell'estate 2007 ha girato in lungo e largo i tornei di preparazione agli Us Open - il c.d. minicircuito chiamato Us Open Series - è tornato sano e salvo, anche se un po' intossicato di Tennis, e ci ha raccontato quanto visto, sentito e percepito nel Nuovo Mondo.
In questo reportage, che è un viaggio picaresco nel nordamerica, intorno al "vuoto" dello showbiz, l'autore alterna con grande potenza espressiva cronache sportive esilaranti, pagine di letteratura minimalista, storie surreali, incubi metropolitani abitati da personaggi dai nomi improbabili e aneddoti irresistibili; e lo fa utilizzando una vasta gamma di registri, che vanno dal comico al noir. Ne risulta un inno sghembo al tennis e alla vita in generale, che fa' di Ricaldi, la "next big thing" del panorama letterario mediterraneo.