Thursday, September 07, 2006

Us Open – day 10: A step closer to “holy grail”

Someone said yesterday was a disaster for men’s draw, ‘cause were ousted all the players who could have beaten Rogi: Berdych, Safin, Rafa, Murray. Someone went so far saying they might be having award ceremony today already. I wouldn’t go so far to say that, just coz I’m cautious and wary by nature!
First of all, congrats to Misha who showed how to cope with Rafa’s defensive game. Fast, flat, angled shots, forcing him to run all around the court. No time for Rafa to get into rhythm, no chance to counterattack. The Russian played the match of his life. For sure, that’s the right attitude, the same Tomas Berdych had lately (in Toronto) against Rafa. This tactic doesn’t pay off on clay, but on faster courts is OK. Besides, Jmac also stated “Misha played to Nadal's strength and beat him at it”. Is this win a straight ticket to the Final for A-Rod ? It might be, I dunno if 50 winners are enough to outpowered Andy, but overall it’s difficult to play back to back matches of the life. Let’s see it. Anyways Misha deserved a spot in SF. He played the better hardcourt tennis – That’s it. Better luck next year for Rafa, that’s the best comment I heard about him: “Rafa has retreated back into the backcourt wastelands since Wimbledon and it's costing him dearly, the loopy topspin is landing too short and getting picked off - and more and more players are getting clued up on it”. I think all this makes much sense.
And then, so sorry for Marat. The usual Safin we all know ? I don't think so, saw him focused the whole tournament. He played not so bad against Haas, just unlucky and not punchy on the big points. Relating to Tommy, won 5 Set tie-break matches back to back! Played well the big points, patient in the rallies, with no negative attitude. Moreover, whenever Nick Bollettieri sits on a player’s corner, he pulls out the business through somehow. So Nick is gonna work it out, guyz.
I didn’t watch the A Rod’s terrific performance, but I heard he served well, returned well, confident groundies, and even looked decent at the net at times. Llyeton was easily crushed. I don't know if that’s the best match Roddick has ever played in a Slam, just Andy has great momentum. That’s for sure.
At the end, I must say James Blake stunned me. Consider his win as upset, even if he’s ranked better then Tomas. People told me Berdych was lazy and not motivated. I don’t know what to say. Maybe James is easier work for Rogi who kind of suffers Berdych. Let’s see what will happen.

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Terza di Copertina.

"Cementi di Gloria" è l'opera prima di Paolo Ricaldi, aka Mr. Pemulis, che nell'estate 2007 ha girato in lungo e largo i tornei di preparazione agli Us Open - il c.d. minicircuito chiamato Us Open Series - è tornato sano e salvo, anche se un po' intossicato di Tennis, e ci ha raccontato quanto visto, sentito e percepito nel Nuovo Mondo.
In questo reportage, che è un viaggio picaresco nel nordamerica, intorno al "vuoto" dello showbiz, l'autore alterna con grande potenza espressiva cronache sportive esilaranti, pagine di letteratura minimalista, storie surreali, incubi metropolitani abitati da personaggi dai nomi improbabili e aneddoti irresistibili; e lo fa utilizzando una vasta gamma di registri, che vanno dal comico al noir. Ne risulta un inno sghembo al tennis e alla vita in generale, che fa' di Ricaldi, la "next big thing" del panorama letterario mediterraneo.