Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Did Danka destroy Schnyder’s hopes?

The Schnyder’s train engine, coming from Moscow, crashed in Zurich, which is the drivers’ home country, who almost quitted hoping for a spot in Year End Championships. Once in while Daniela Hantuchova, a player who is used to have kicked ass, featured as the destroyer of hopes and dreams. Such an unusual role for Danka. Indeed Daniela, although played well, was up 6-2 5-3 and almost blew it: at 6-5 and had to save a break point! You know, it wouldn't be a Daniela match if she didn't blow a lead.
As of yesterday, Patty Schnyder was quite out of office. She was not being able to vary the spin and pace of her shots. No geometry was on the court, only short balls that Danka ran down easily, hitting flat deep strokes. In the end of the match Patti piled up 35 unforced errors like crazy.
The spot n.8 for Madrid is a bit further away, with advantage to Martina Hingis, currently eighth in the race. It’s a cruel destiny for a player who toiled a lifetime in the shadow of more known Tennis’ Swiss Miss. Now she has to rely on any withdrawal (Clijsters? Petrova?) to take a ticket to Madrid.

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Terza di Copertina.

"Cementi di Gloria" è l'opera prima di Paolo Ricaldi, aka Mr. Pemulis, che nell'estate 2007 ha girato in lungo e largo i tornei di preparazione agli Us Open - il c.d. minicircuito chiamato Us Open Series - è tornato sano e salvo, anche se un po' intossicato di Tennis, e ci ha raccontato quanto visto, sentito e percepito nel Nuovo Mondo.
In questo reportage, che è un viaggio picaresco nel nordamerica, intorno al "vuoto" dello showbiz, l'autore alterna con grande potenza espressiva cronache sportive esilaranti, pagine di letteratura minimalista, storie surreali, incubi metropolitani abitati da personaggi dai nomi improbabili e aneddoti irresistibili; e lo fa utilizzando una vasta gamma di registri, che vanno dal comico al noir. Ne risulta un inno sghembo al tennis e alla vita in generale, che fa' di Ricaldi, la "next big thing" del panorama letterario mediterraneo.